I think the hardest pictures to take are the ones that include yourself. Take a good look, because this is a rare opportunity to see the photographer in front of the camera, as opposed to behind it. Our vacation was nice, but as always too short. This was Gigi's first time at the ocean, so it was a little special for us. You always have this perfect image in your head of how your child's first time at the ocean is... and never ends up the way you have it planned out. She loved the ocean (as long as we were holding her by the arms yelling "Whee.....", which of course made the arm muscles sore by the time the week was out), but hated the sand. The boys learned how to boogie board for the first time. Matthew of course was a natural... and Michael... might have had more fun shopping .
I was excited and truly honored to share in the celebration of Nathan & Caroline's special time in their lives. Roman Andrew Frye will be the couple's first child, and I am sure he will be just as stunning as his mom & dad. Nathan was very sweet and seemed to glow just as much as Caroline. Caroline was such a beauty.... as you can see her pictures speak for themselves.
After the Rock House photo shoot I did, April was anxious to get back in front of the camera. This was also a new location for me, and I love how the field of flowers and vibrant colors pops out at you and gives you a sunny feeling inside. The black and white shots seem to tell more about the pair, than what the human eye actually sees. I was very happy with the way the images turned out will definitely use this location again.