Tonya Hiatt and I have been friends for about 7 years now and I absolutely adore her family. It is because of her that Gray and I decided to become foster parents, so without her, we would not have our three little miracles today. This was a family oriented photo shoot with her 3 biological sons, 2 adopted sons, and 1 (soon-to-be) adoptived daughter, her (soon-to-be) daughter-in-law, husband Chuck, and infamous mee maw !
Tonya: Thanks for allowing me to share this moment with you & your family !! I really enjoyed it.. tears & all !!!!
Toby & Staci's images were part of the "Hiatt" family photo shoot, but since they recently got engaged, I wanted to put their images in their own posting. I hope you guys like your shots !!
Oh, and by the way... I am giving you guys a free 8 x 10 of your choice as an engagement present !
Whoever said that Virginia is God's country knew what they were talking about. Ashley's shoot took place in the quaint little town of Fancy Gap during the weekend of the Autumn Leaves Festival. Although the day started out dreary and rainy, we were optimistic that we were going to have a good shoot that day. I guess someone up there was really looking out for us, because our prayers were answered. The rain finally let up, and we were actually blessed with about 30 mins of sunshine. As you'll see from the images below, Miss Ashley is a country girl at heart. What you don't see is the fact that she was actually a little camera shy... I guess she never knew how much the camera really loves her. Stay tuned to see the images from her upcoming nuptuals this upcoming weekend !!
Ashley: You were a real trooper !!! Michelle(my new partner in crime)and I loved working with you, and are looking forward to this weekend.
What a beautiful day we had to spend with Alex & Tyler last weekend for their engagement debut pictures. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the breeze was blowing... hmm... kind of sounds like a Disney movie doesn't it? Trust me, it could have been. You can truly see in the images below, that these two love birds are the real deal. My assistant in training, Miss Sarah Vanhoy, and I had a really great time during this shoot and I am extremely proud of the way Alex and Tyler's images turned out.
To Alex: You have the most amazing blue eyes that stay with you even after the flash goes away !! To Tyler: I have done nothing but brag about how willing, and cooperative you were thru the whole photo shoot. Two and a half hours, and two locations later.... you never complained not onced. Alex definitely has good taste in her men !